Re-embrace sharing

ShareSquare offers simple yet powerful ways to transform your housing society into a vibrant community built on sharing and collaboration. Let's work together, one share at a time!

Join the club !

Create a culture of sharing
Utilise and circulate things within your housing society for a better, greener tomorrow

Adopt ShareSquare

Adopt our frameworks, ideas & join our workshops to establish a system for collaborative- consumption in your housing society.

Access resources

Download post cards, tags, game cards, posters and printable for decoration and facilitation of ShareSquare

Join the community

See what's happening in socities around you and get inspiration for the “collaborative consumption” from all over the city and world

ShareSquare's activities
Share Square is a system - a collaborative consumption framework - that comprises of social processes, events, workshops and outreach programs for alternative ways of consumption.

"Stock" Exchange
Share. Exchange. Sell. Give away products within your society

Stock Exchange is a yard sale, tweaked to appeal residents in an Indian housing society - by factoring in emotions, trust and hygiene of things. This section aims at circulation of items within the society by selling(at a nominal price, to give people the sense of ownership) / giving away/ exchanging.

Book hive
Share knowledge. Circulate.
Co-own books

The book hive intends to create a system for book sharing within the society. Book hive can take a physical form (in the event) twice a year and can be functional using an excel inventory and communication platforms throughout the year. The collective also donates books to bigger organisations -schools and NGOs

Interested in joining us ?

Many ways to come together
You can share ideas, doubts or
plan a workshop with us